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aerial view of mountains
Two people survey multiple rock mortars. They have a measuring tape, a GPS unit, blue tape and a notebook. Kenaka peak can be seen in the background.

Cultural Resources

The goal of The Tribe’s Cultural Resources Management Program is to protect and restore cultural resources for current and future generations. Mooretown Cultural Resources conducts comprehensive cultural resources surveys on tribal lands and lands that they co-manage, and, as appropriate, consults with local tribal groups to conduct cultural resources surveys in areas that are beyond their own aboriginal lands.

Mooretown Rancheria Cultural Resources logo


Mooretown Cultural Resources Management Services began with the Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) response to consultation requests in 2019 and has grown into a contract management service that has assisted with and conducted site surveys over hundreds of acres as part of projects with the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, FEMA, Caltrans and others and is leading the Tribe’s efforts to restore lands all across the State using traditional and modern cultural resource protection strategies. 

Crews and Certifications

Our THPO engages in consultation and  pre planning to protect resources. Our crews are trained in survey techniques and on-site monitoring.

Mooretown Cultural Resources Management Services maintains the following certifications: 

  • HAZWHOPPER 40 Hazmat Certification (40 hours)

  • Annual 8 hour recertifications for Cultural Monitoring

  • 32 hour Archaeological Field Methods Training Program with Far Western

  • Ground Penetrating Radar Training (8 hour)

  • First Aid CPR Backcountry

  • OSHA annual training

  • Hazard Tree Safety Training, and NAGPRA (in progress)

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